Useful 50 ChatGPT Prompts For School Going Students With Result

Useful 50 ChatGPT Prompts For School Going Students With Result


Writing is the skill , if we learn this skill during our childhood , it will be very helpful in our upcoming life. How ever it is not easy for each student to have those all skills born ready. But with technology , it can be possible yes. But some efforts from student is must. Here is ChatGPT for Students !

Here We are going to see how we can use most femous AI tool call ChatGPT for students. You might heard about ChatGPT , almost everyone in the world knows about it. But today we are dealing with it’s use for students.

Here We have 50 Prompts For students they can use in ChatGPT , before moving further if you don’t know what is Prompt? let’s have look on it.

AI Prompts

What is Prompting ?

Prompting in an AI chat like ChatGPT means the computer suggests ideas. It is like chatting with expert in the perticular field. It’s have more previllage as it is expert in multi subjects. So you not need to find different experts. Also it will answers your queries day n time without getting tired.
Chat GPT For Students

What is the purpose of prompting in an AI chat like ChatGPT?

The purpose of prompting is to help keep the conversation going and make it more interesting by suggesting ideas for what to say next. It’s like having a friend give you ideas for what to write in your story or what game to play when you’re bored.

Why is prompting important in communication?

Prompting is important in communication because it helps you stay on track with the conversation and get the information you need. When someone prompts you with a question or suggestion, it can help you think of new ideas and keep the conversation moving forward.

Can prompting be annoying in an AI chat like ChatGPT?

Some people may find prompting annoying in an AI chat like ChatGPT, especially if the prompts are repetitive or irrelevant to the conversation. However, prompts can also be helpful for people who are new to AI chats or have difficulty thinking of things to say on their own. Ultimately, whether or not prompting is annoying depends on the individual and their preferences.

Benefits of Using Prompts in ChatGPT for Students

  • Improves Creativity: Prompts can stimulate creativity and imagination in students by giving them a starting point to build upon. By using ChatGPT for students can explore new ideas and concepts that they may not have considered otherwise.
  • Increased Engagement: Prompts can help to engage students in the learning process by providing them with a clear objective and direction for their work. This can help to prevent boredom and disinterest in the subject matter.
  • Enhanced Writing Skills: Prompts can be particularly helpful in developing writing skills, as they provide students with a specific topic or theme to write about. This can help them to practice writing in a structured and focused way, improving their overall writing ability.
  • Encourages Critical Thinking: Prompts can also encourage critical thinking skills by prompting students to consider different perspectives and analyze the prompt in-depth. This can help students to develop their analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Boosts Confidence: Finally, using prompts can help to boost students’ confidence in their abilities. By providing a clear starting point and direction, prompts can help students to feel more confident in their work and more willing to take risks and explore new ideas.

50 ChatGPT Prompts for School Going Students

Here we have divided prompts in 5 categories as follows

10 prompts for persuasive writing

10 ChatGPT prompts for persuasive writing

The issue of whether schools should have a dress code policy has been a long-standing debate among educators, parents, and students alike. While some argue that dress codes promote a professional and respectful learning environment, others argue that they restrict students' freedom of expression. In this essay, I will argue for a dress code policy in schools. One of the primary benefits of having a dress code policy is that it creates a sense of unity and equality among students. When everyone is dressed similarly, there is less room for students to judge each other based on their clothing choices, which can help reduce social pressure and bullying. Additionally, a dress code can promote a more professional learning environment and help prepare students for the expectations of the workforce. Another argument in favor of dress codes is that they can help eliminate distractions in the classroom. When students are dressed modestly and appropriately, there is less potential for distractions caused by provocative or inappropriate clothing. This can ultimately lead to a more focused and productive learning environment. Opponents of dress codes argue that they are an infringement on students' freedom of expression. However, dress codes can still allow for individuality and self-expression while promoting modesty and professionalism. Furthermore, it's important for students to learn that in certain settings, such as the workplace or formal events, there are expectations for how they should dress. In conclusion, dress codes can promote a more professional and respectful learning environment while eliminating distractions in the classroom. While it's important to allow for individuality and self-expression, a dress code policy can still achieve these goals while promoting modesty and unity among students.
Homework has been a long-standing tradition in education, but recent studies have shown that it may not be necessary for student learning. In fact, excessive homework can cause stress, burnout, and have a negative impact on mental health. For these reasons, I believe that homework should be eliminated. Research has shown that quality of work, rather than quantity, is what leads to improved academic outcomes. This means that instead of assigning hours of homework, teachers should focus on providing engaging and meaningful in-class instruction. Additionally, students need time to rest, relax, and pursue extracurricular activities to foster a well-rounded education. Eliminating homework would alleviate the burden placed on students, allowing them to focus on their in-class learning and personal development. By doing so, we can create a healthier and more productive learning environment for students.
The use of mobile phones in schools has been a controversial topic. Proponents argue that phones can enhance learning, while opponents argue that they are a distraction. Students should be allowed to use phones in school for emergency purposes and educational purposes with teacher approval, but should not be allowed to use them during class time.
Participating in extracurricular activities can positively impact a student's academic performance. Research has shown that involvement in activities such as sports, music, and clubs can improve time management, social skills, and academic motivation. Furthermore, colleges and employers often value well-rounded individuals with diverse interests and experiences.
Schools should have a mandatory physical education program to promote physical activity and overall health. Physical education teaches important life skills such as teamwork, perseverance, and goal setting. Additionally, physical activity has been linked to improved academic performance and can help reduce obesity and other health risks.
Excessive social media use can have harmful effects on a student's mental health, such as increased anxiety, depression, and decreased self-esteem. It's important to limit social media use and focus on building healthy, in-person relationships. Engaging in other activities such as exercise or hobbies can improve overall well-being and reduce the negative effects of social media.
Learning a second language in school should be required because it can improve cognitive abilities, increase cultural awareness, and enhance career opportunities. Bilingualism is becoming increasingly valuable in today's global economy, and early language acquisition has been linked to improved academic performance in other subjects.
School cafeterias should provide healthier food options to promote a healthy lifestyle and reduce childhood obesity rates. Students who eat healthier are more likely to perform better academically and have fewer health problems. Implementing this change may require additional funding, but it is a worthwhile investment in the long run.
Allowing students to choose their own classes can improve motivation and engagement in the learning process. Students can pursue their interests and have more ownership over their education. However, careful planning and guidance may be necessary to ensure that students are still meeting graduation requirements and are taking courses that will benefit them in the future.
Financial literacy is a crucial life skill that should be taught in school. Students need to know how to manage their money, save for the future, and make informed financial decisions. Lack of financial knowledge can lead to debt, poor credit, and financial hardship. By teaching financial literacy in school, we can help students become financially responsible and secure adults.

10 prompts for narrative writing

10 CHATGPT prompts for narrative writing

10 prompts for descriptive writing

10 prompts for descriptive writing

10 prompts for expository writing

10 prompts for expository writing

10 prompts for reflective writing

10 prompts for reflective writing


  1. ChatGPT Chatbot
Author: aithoughtika

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